Panna cotta Biscoff

Una deliziosa panna cotta con un tocco Biscoff. Un classico strato di vaniglia completato da uno strato di prelibatezza Biscoff.


10 persone

Strato Vaniglia:

  • 500 ml di panna da cucina >30% di grassi
  • 50 g di zucchero semolato
  • 2 fogli di gelatina
  • 3 cucchiai di acqua fredda
  • 1/2 cucchiaino di pasta di semi di vaniglia o estratto di vaniglia

Strato Biscoff:

  • 800 ml di panna da cucina > 30% di grassi
  • 80 g di zucchero semolato fine (zucchero semolato)
  • 3 fogli di gelatina
  • 400ml Biscotti spalmabili (600gr)


  • Granola di biscotti BIscoff e lamponi

Prepara in 10 passaggi

  • 1

    First make the vanilla layer. Add the gelatin sheets to cold water and leave until soft.

  • 2

    In a saucepan over low heat, warm the cream and the vanilla and stir in the sugar. Wait until the sugar melts and don’t let the cream boil.

  • 3

    Add the soaked gelatin sheets (squeeze out the water) to the cream mixture. Mix well to ensure all the gelatin has melted.

  • 4

    Pour the mixture as a first layer into glasses or bowls. Refrigerate and let it set for a couple of hours.

  • 5

    When the vanilla layer is set, make the Biscoff layer. Add the gelatin sheets to cold water and leave until soft.

  • 6

    In a saucepan over low heat; warm up the cream and stir in the sugar.  Do not let the cream boil and wait until the sugar has melted.

  • 7

    Add Biscoff spread to the mixture and stir until fully melted and combined.

  • 8

    Add the soaked gelatin sheets (squeeze out the water) to the cream mixture. Mix well to ensure all the gelatin has melted.

  • 9

    Let the Biscoff mixture cool down, add it to the set vanilla layer and refrigerate again to let it set for a couple of hours.

  • 10

    Right before serving, decorate with Biscoff cookie crumbs and red berries for the finished touch.

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Affogato Biscoff

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